Saturday, August 25, 2007


Well there it is. The Kevin Bacon Experiment is over.

For now anyway. I guess near the end I started getting the "oh shit, I'm going home soon, better not waste too much time on my computer" feeling, which made for a crazy last month of bouncing between Austria, Hungary, Slovakia and Germany, saying goodbye to some of the stars from last year. And having Luke around for the last couple of weeks really helped with the easing into the returning to Australia vibe. There's still a few stories sitting on my PC yet to pass the draft process, but I'll put those up in time.

What next? Right now I'm dealing with the adverse effects of the 40 something hours of travelling and the 10 hour time difference from where the beginning of the end.. err.. begun. I plan long periods of time chilling with my people, both here in Melbourne and back in Adelaide as it's been a while since I've seen everyone. I will periodically put some stories up that are sitting unfinished on my PC, with some stuff from Cuba that has been left unloved deep in the bowels of my hard drive since those shady days. I'm putting together a little thank you package for the 60 or so people I stayed with while on the road, so email me through your names and addresses so I can post you out something nice. And once I sort through the 30,000+ photos and 20 hours of video and squeeze out something a little more easy to consume, I'd like to put together a little exhibition of photos from the trip, and maybe flog a few off in fancy frames.

As for the future of this blog, considering the company I normally keep, I'm usually only a random 3am idea away from madness and adventures. And I didn't actually meet Kevin Bacon, so there's still that goal to pursue. My flickr page will still be getting updated on a regular basis and I'll be kicking out at least a couple more videos in the next few weeks. Right now, I'm hanging out with my sis here in sunny Melbourne, doing the man servant thing helping her out with her bump. If you're floating about Melbourne and you're up for a beer and a chin wag, give me a tingle on: 0449 53 9797

It's been fun.

Dan Murphy